Belt or Conveyor Dressing, Food Grade, Container Size: 13-1/4oz, Container Type: Aerosol Can
Ideal for industrial, automotive and food processing applications
Highly processed ingredients ensure increased rpm and horsepower, while reducing slippage
Will not glaze, collect dirt or dust
Effective in the prevention of dry/air rot
This formulation conditions belts while increasing pulling power
Food Grade | Food Grade |
Temperature Range | Maximum of +70 °F |
Container Size | 13-1/4 oz |
Chlorinated Solvents Content | No Chlorinated Solvents |
Container Type | Aerosol Can |
Certification | OSHA, IARC, NTP, NSF H1 |
Color | Transparent |
Regulations | SARA 313 (40 CFR 372.65C) |
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