230/600-BEA-XL-MB1-H8 FAG

230/600-BEA-XL-MB1-H8 FAG


230/600-BEA-XL-MB1-H8 FAG


230/600-BEA-XL-MB1-H8 FAG MFR

Spherical Roller Bearing

FAG - 230/600-BEA-XL-MB1-H8 FAG

Spherical Roller Bearing


Brand FAG
Item Number 230/600-BEA-XL-MB1-H8 FAG
Technical Details (Bea-Xl-Mb1-H88) BE=Maximum Capacity Design. A=Modified Internal Construction. XL-X-Life. MB1=Single-Piece Solid Brass Cage, Guided On Central Rib. H88=(VQ424-SKF) (Segment Precision, Code 53)=Running Accuracy P5 For The Inner Ring And P4 For The Outer Ring: And J26C (W515-SKF=Marking Of The Largest Radial Runout Deviation On The Inner Ring And Outer Ring) And M15NZ (Measuring Report Indicating The Actual Values Of Different Quantities) Plus Restricted Width Tolerance Of The Outer Ring For Applications With Rotating Outer Ring.
Also Known As 230/600-BEA-XL-MB1-H88
Category Spherical Roller Bearing
Inner (D) Mm 600,00
Outer (D) Mm 870,00
Width (B) Mm 200,00
Weight (Kg) 405
Manufacturer Part Number (Mpn) 230/600-BEA-XL-MB1-H88
Bore C - Cylindrical Bore
Lubrication Enhancement W33 - Lubrication Groove and 3 Holes
Seal No Seal
Cage Type M - Brass Cage
Radial Internal Play Cn Normal Internal
Precision 53 - Accuracy Better than C08
Heat Stabilization No Heat Stabilization - Temperatures up to 120°C
Vibrating Screen Execution No Vibratory Screen Execution



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