Viper® PRO Multi-Purpose Safety Bag Opener - Safety Yellow, Package Quantity: 6
Minimizes cross-contamination of foods
Minimizes laceration injuries from loose blades, scissors or other unsafe tools
Reduces product damages
NSF certified and FDA compliant, food-safe materials
Central blade safely opens a variety of bags including vacuum sealed, boiler bags, cash bags and bags made of glassine, foil, plastic, paper and more
Piercing arms safely cuts knotted bags, box straps, pallet wrap, boxes and more
Stainless steel blade resists corrosion and breaking
Ergonomically designed for ease of use
High visibility color (ANSI Standard Z535 color for Caution which “indicates a hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury”) makes it easy to locate
Easy to clean, dishwasher & sanitizer safe
Serial numbering available. Contact us for more information
Patented technology
Color | Safety Yellow |
Harmonization Code | 8214.90.9000 |
Package Quantity | 6 |
Manufacturer Upc Number | 61820612109 |
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