TESS® Testing Tool - 50 in Maximum Length
Reduces ladders accidents
Maximizes employee efficiency
Telescopes from 14″ to 50″
Patented design
Important Regulatory Information: OSHA Standard 29 CFR, 1910.165(d)(2): “The employer shall assure that a test of the reliability and adequacy of non-supervised employee alarm systems is made every two months.”
NFPA Life Safety Code, Standard 101 section 31-1.3.8: “A functional test shall be conducted on every required emergency lighting system at 30-day intervals for a minimum of 30 seconds.
Written records of testing shall be kept by the owner for inspection by the authority having jurisdiction.
Replacement Heads (#GS1061)
Type | Testing Tool |
Maximum Length | 50 in |
Minimum Length | 14 in |
Manufacturer Upc Number | 61820606101 |
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