Variable Frequency AC Drive - Input Phase 1, Supply Voltage 115/230 V ac, 1 hp Normal Duty, Output Current 4.0 A Normal Duty, NEMA 4X Rating, 50/60 Hz, Frequency Control, Open Loop Control, Velocity Control
Microprocessor Based Allows custom programming for OEMs
Isolated Logic: Allows floating or grounded 0 ± 5 VDC, 0 ± 10 VDC, or 4 - 20 mA signals
Doubler / Step-Down Mode: Doubles a 115 VAC input to a 230 VAC output. Can also step-down a 230 VAC input to a 115 VAC output at 50/60Hz
Adjustable Base Frequency: Can be set for a base output frequency of 50 or 60 Hz at rated output voltage, regardless of input frequency
Variety of Motors: Permanent Split Capacitor (PSC), Shaded Pole, Synchronous, and 3Φ Induction
Thermally Protects: Drive recognizes when overheated as a result of frequent overload. It first flashes a warning code and will trip if condition persists
Diagnostic LEDs: Power, Status (Undervoltage, Overvoltage, Short Circuit / Current Trip, Overheat Warning, Overheat Trip)
DC Injection Braking: Can be used for quicker braking
Drive Type | Variable Frequency |
Peak Current | 6.0 A |
Number Of Input Phases | 1 |
Input Frequency Rating | 50/60 Hz |
Drive Supply Voltage | 115/230 V ac |
Ambient Temperature Range | 50 to 104 °F |
Horsepower Rating Normal Duty | 1 hp |
Mounting Type | Wall Mount |
Output Current Normal Duty | 4.0 A |
Agency Listing | UL Listed |
Operation Mode | Frequency Control, Open Loop Control, Velocity Control |
Standards Met | RoHS Compliant |
Enclosure Rating | NEMA 4X |
Manufacturer Product Page | |
Number Of Output Phases | 1 & 3 |
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