Zep 45 Dual Force Superior Penetrant & Lubricant - 14 oz, Aerosol Can
(12) 14 oz Aerosol Cans when ordering from factory
Superior penetrant and lubricant that offers excellent resistance without diminishing its penetrant properties
Quickly penetrates to dramatically reduce friction and wear while offering excellent corrosion resistance and rapid moisture displacement
Prolongs the working life of machinery and reduces downtime and maintenance costs
Lubricates and protects most equipment and is ideal for automatic vending machines, building materials dealers, repair services, hotels, motels, metal fabricators, and recreation clubs
At a VOC content in the tenths of 1 percent range, the product meets all current VOC regulations
Dual spray pattern (Fan Mist & Pin point)
Type | Penetrant/Lubricant |
Container Size | 14 oz |
Application | Building materials dealers, Metal Fabricators, Hotels, Industrial Machinery, Automatic vending machines, Repair services, Recreation Clubs, Motels, Repair Facilities, Offices |
Sds | https://sds.zepinc.com/ehswww/zep/result/direct_link.jsp?P_LANGU=E&P_SYS=2&P_SSN=11337&C001=MSDS&C002=US&C003=E&C013=374301&C123=SDS* |
Container Type | Aerosol Can |
Package Quantity | (12) 14 oz |
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