131X6885 Variable Frequency AC Drive - Input Phase 3, Supply Voltage 380/480 V ac, 15 hp Normal Duty, Output Current 21 A Normal Duty, IP55 Rating, 50/60 Hz
Assets are protected thanks to specially designed software that prevents, for example, water hammering
Pump protections and sensorless pump functionality built into the product
Energy efficiency is maximized as a result of the drives control algorithms and design which focus on reducing heat loss
High energy savings related to air conditioning are ensured due to the unique back-channel-cooling concept that transfers 90% of heat away from the room
Electromagnetic interference and harmonic distortion are reduced thanks to the built-in, scalable RFI filter and integrated DC link chokes
Perfect system integration and adaptation to the application are possible due to freely programmable warnings and alerts
3–8% energy savings are achieved as a result of Automatic Energy Optimization
Auto tuning of PI-controllers - Eliminates errors
Main disconnects and integral fusing Reduces installed cost by eliminating panel space
Drive Type | Variable Frequency |
Keypad / Display | Standard |
Number Of Input Phases | 3 |
Pi / Pid Controller | PID Controller |
Drive Supply Voltage | 380/480 V ac |
Serial Communication Onboard | FC or Modbus RTU |
Horsepower Rating Normal Duty | 15 hp |
Pulse Train Input Capability | Pulse Train Input |
Output Current Normal Duty | 21 A |
Mounting Type | Wall |
Enclosure Rating | IP55 |
Number Of Option Slots | 3 |
Horsepower Rating Heavy Duty | 10 hp |
Compatible Accessories | LCP 101/102, Profibus Adapter, Nema 1, 3R, 4X, Motor/Main Connector |
Output Current Heavy Duty | 21 A |
Backup Option Cards | 24 V DC Supply MCB 107 |
Peak Current Normal Duty | 23.1 A |
Communications Option Cards | Profibus DP MCA 101, DeviceNet MCA 104, Profinet MCA 120, EtherNet/IP MCA 121, Modbus TCP MCA 122 |
Peak Current Heavy Duty | 21.8 A |
I/O Option Cards | General Purpose I/O MCB 101, Relay Card MCB 105, Analog I/O MCB 109, Programmable I/O MCB 115 |
Input Frequency Rating | 50/60 Hz |
Feedback Option Cards | PTC Thermistor Card MCB 112, Sensor Input MCB 114 |
Overall Dimensions (Height X Width X Depth) | 399 x 165 x 249 mm |
Safety Option Cards | Safety Option MCB 140, Safety Option MCB 141 |
Standard Operating Temperature Range | 14 to 131 °F |
Remote Keypad | Remote Mount Kit |
Number Of Analog Inputs | 2 |
Typical Application | Pumps, Irrigation |
Number Of Digital Inputs | 6 |
Series | VLT Aqua Drive |
Number Of Analog Outputs | 1 |
Warranty | 18 months |
Number Of Digital Outputs | 2 |
Manufacturer Catalog | http://danfoss.ipapercms.dk/Drives/DD/Global/SalesPromotion/Brochures/ProductOverviewandCatalogue/us/product-overview/ |
Number Of Relays | 2 |
Product Brochure | http://danfoss.ipapercms.dk/Drives/DD/Global/SalesPromotion/Brochures/ProductBrochures/UK/VLTAQUADriveNewGen/ |
Plc Functions | Smart Logic Controller |
Overview Brochure | http://danfoss.ipapercms.dk/Drives/DD/Global/SalesPromotion/Brochures/ProductBrochures/UK/AQUASG/ |
Dynamic Braking | Yes |
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