MOLEX 120065-0148

MOLEX 120065-0148


MOLEX 120065-0148

120065-0148 PART NUMBER

803000A09M100 MFR

803000A09M100 Single Ended Industrial Cordset - Female Straight Micro-Change (M12) to Pigtail, 3 Poles, 22 AWG, PVC Cable


Cordset Type Single Ended
Ip Rating IP67
Connection A Micro-Change (M12) - Female Straight
Coupling Style Threaded
Connection B Pigtail
Operating Temperature Range -4 to 176 °F
Wire Size (Awg) 22 AWG
Material - Cable Jacket PVC
Cable Diameter 4.57 mm, 0.180 in
Material - Connector Body PVC
Cable Length 32.81 ft, 10.00 m
Material - Contact Copper Alloy
Cable Jacket Color Yellow
Material - Coupling Nut Nickel-Plated Brass
Max Current Per Contact 4.0 A
Material - O-Ring Fluoro-Elastomer
Max Voltage 250 V
Material - Plating Mating Gold over Nickel
Number Of Poles 3
Keyway Type Single



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