NEXEN 964740

NEXEN 964740


NEXEN 964740


BSB03 Ball Screw Brake - 6 mm to 16 mm Bore, 10000 rpm Max, 5 Nm Min Torque

NEXEN - NEXEN 964740

Spring Engaged

Zero Backlash

Low Inertia / High Torque

Includes a quick exhaust valve for quick braking response


Bore Range 6 to 16 mm
Maximum Pressure 100 psi
Minimum Static Torque Capacity 5 N-m
Minimum Release Pressure 49 psi
Maximum Rpm 10000 rpm
Coupling Type Elastomer Clamp Collar
Model BSB03
Maximum Angular Misalignment 0.8 °
Engagement/Release Spring/Air
Maximum Axia Float ± 1 mm
Bore Type Straight
Maximum Lateral Misalignment 0.08 mm
Finish Black Anodized
Function Stopping & Holding
Open Or Enclosed Design Enclosed
Recommended Control 964650
Overall Length 77.7 mm
Compatible Couplings 964741, 964742, 964743, 964744
Input Pilot O.d. 50 mm
Ratings IP67, CE, And RoHS
Input Bolt Circle 95 - 109 mm
Additional Details The Nexen Ball Screw Brake is a high-torque, spring-engaged brake acting on the machined end of a ball screw. It serves as a primary or redundant safety brake to prevent back driving if a power loss or mechanical defect occurs in the driveline. The low backlash and coupling combination provides a high degree of accuracy for holding ball screw position. An expanding shaft/clamping hub coupling connects the brake shaft to the end of the ball screw. This coupling comes with an elastomer insert with high torsional stiffness.
Shaft Inertia 0.50 kg/cm²
Manufacturer Product Page
Torsional Rigidity With Coupling 600 N-m/rad
Approximate Engagement Response Time 12 ms
Approximate Release Response Time 75 ms
Manufacturer Replacement Parts List



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