NEXEN 968165

NEXEN 968165


NEXEN 968165


Profile Rail Brake - RB35B, 35 mm Rail Size, Fits LLRHS-A, LLRHS-LA, LLRHS-SA, 1605, 1607, 1645, 1647 Series Rails, 360 lbs Holding Force, Spring/Air, M6 x 1.0 Port Size

NEXEN - NEXEN 968165

Large friction facing contact area for consistent performance and low rail wear

Field serviceable friction facing replacement

Ideal for power-off, e-stop and holding applications

Low backlash for accurate position holding

Brake geometry is similar to linear bearing cassettes for easy installation

Provides stiffness and eliminates vibration in linear drives

Large clearance between brake and rail compensates for installation misalignment

No lubrication or periodic maintenance required

Models available to fit most common profile guide rails

Highest spring engaged / air released holding force on the market

Static holding cycle life in excess of one million cycles


Rail Size 35 mm
Mass 4.5 lbs
Rail/Carriage Manufacturer SKF, STAR
Backlash Less Than 0.20 mm
Rail Series 1607, LLRHS-A, LLRHS-LA, LLRHS-SA, 1605, 1645, 1647
Overall Length 4.173 in
Brake Series RB35B
Overall Width 3.917 in
Holding Force 360 lbs
Overall Height 1.575 in
Engagement/Release Spring/Air
Life Rating More than 1,000,000 static holding cycles
Port Size M6 x 1.0
Ratings CE & RoHS
Finish Black Oxide
Facing Kit 968349
Function Stopping & Holding
Weight 4.8 lbs
Maximum Backlash At Full Brake Force 0.008 in
Additional Details Not for use in cyclic dynamic braking applications.
Minimum Release Pressure 80 psi
Manufacturer Product Page
Maximum Pressure 128 psi
Air Chamber Volume 16.6 cm³
Approximate Engagement Response Time 0.07 sec



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