240150 Drum Handler - 650/100 lbs Capacity Per Grip, 1 in Rise/Stroke, 5 x 2 in Caster / Wheel Diameter, 1100 lbs Legs Extended Capacity
1 Year Warranty, parts only.
WESCO MADE hydraulic pump - all models.
Handles most 30, 55 or 85 gallon drums - Steel, Fiber and Poly.
Works with most drums with locking rings.
Up/Down remote on power units.
Power drive travel speed 120'/min.
Lifts, transports, weighs and places drums on spill or standard pallets.
Spring-loaded jaws hold any 3/16"" or higher drum rim.
Operator does not need to touch drums to operate.
Exclusive auto grip lock will not drop a drum if operated properly.
(2) wheels and (2) swivel casters, 5"" x 2"" phenolic, and floor lock.
Capacity Per Grip | 650/100 lbs |
Legs Extended Capacity | 1100 lbs |
Caster / Wheel Types | Phenolic, (2) Locking Swivel |
Rise/Stroke | 1 in |
Caster / Wheel Diameter | 5 x 2 in |
Drum Clamp Type | Gator Grip® |
Legs Retracted Capacity | 650 lbs |
Weight | 355.5 lbs |
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