Rubber Tie Downs - Rubber, 21 in Length, S Hook On Fitting End
EPDM-molded rubber straps for fastening tarpaulins or similar products and for securing various loads
Length based on rubber only
“S” hooks are 0.172” diameter, C-1019 silicone kilned hard temper galvanized wire, dry wax coated to protect from rust
Straps should not be stretched more than 50% their original length, check straps for stated safe maximum stretch
Straps should be discarded if abraded, cut or cracked
Straps should not be substituted as the primary tie-down method for the load
Tie-Down Strap Type | Rubber |
Strap Material | EPDM |
End Fitting Type | S Hook |
Tensile Strength | 1500 psi |
Overall Length | 21 in |
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