83308 Direct Drive Horizontal Band Saw - Variable Speed, 1 hp, 120 V, 8 in Blade Width, 12 in Blade Length
3 Jaw quick acting vise for fast miter cutting set ups. No wrenches are needed to adjust the angle of the cut. It can be easily set with the turn of a handle just seconds
Rugged direct drive gear box - no belts or set to change
Hydraulic feed control for cutting stock at variable rates and to lock the saw head at any height
Adjustable blade guides deliver accurate cuts
Chip blade brush
Coolant system with adjustable coolant flow
Wheels that roll easy for positioning where needed
Power Rating | 1 hp |
Voltage | 120 V |
Orientation | Horizontal |
Horsepower | 1 hp |
Blade Length | 12 in |
Overall Length | 51 in |
Blade Width | 8 in |
Overall Width | 19 in |
Variable Speed | Variable Speed |
Overall Height | 43 in |
Blade Speed | 150/210/255 sfpm |
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