GAST 1023-101Q-SG608X

GAST 1023-101Q-SG608X


GAST 1023-101Q-SG608X

1023-101Q-SG608X PART NUMBER

Gast® 1023-101Q-SG608X Rotary Vane Compressor & Vacuum Pump Combination, Electrical, Horizontal Config., Oil Free, 3/4hp


Pump Operating Type Compressor & Vacuum Pump Combination
Maximum Vacuum 26 inHg
Power Source Electrical
Maximum Compressor Mode Flow Rate 10 ft³/min
Receiver Tank Configuration Horizontal
Maximum Vacuum Mode Flow Rate 10 cfm
Lubrication Type Oil Free
Maximum Operating Temperature 100 °F
Horsepower 3/4 hp
Minimum Operating Temperature 32 °F
Motor Phase 1 ph
Inlet Port Size 3/8 in
Supply Voltage 100 to 115/208 to 230 , 100 to 110/220 to 240 V
Overall Length 428.8 mm
Frequency 50/60 Hz
Overall Width 165.1 mm
Receiver Tank Size 2 to 60 gal
Standards Met CE
Maximum Continuous Pressure 10 psi



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