Speed Reducer Replacement Part - Series: Torque-Arm, HXT7A, TXT7A Reducer Size, Backstop Assembly
For service conditions that require the prevention of reverse direction
Can be quickly installed by removing cover plate and slipping the backstop over the input shaft—after cover is replaced, backstop becomes completely sealed inside the reducer case
Since the reducer lubricates the backstop, no additional lubrication is required
When ordering backstops, specify by reducer size and ratio
Keys are included in each backstop assembly
Warning: Backstops are not recommended for applications involving energy absorption and shock or torque loads in excess of reducer ratings or on such as chair lifts, amusement rides, etc., where the safety of persons or property is dependent on their function, on such applications, other safety devices should be provided
Product Type | Backstop Assembly |
Manufacturer Reducer Size | HXT7A, TXT7A |
Series | Torque-Arm |
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