ABB Ability™ Smart Sensor for Mounted Bearings - Analyzes Temperature & Vibration
LED Activation Switch
Intuitive interface - The simple, graphical interface is easy to use and understand
Traffic light system -Bearing health is displayed with a traffic light icon to quickly show users the state of that bearing
Push notifications - When conditions change, you want to be the first to know. ABB Ability allows you to get notifications based on your preferences
Constant communication - When events happen, everyone in the organization can know. This also allows records of who closes the events and what comments are made
Event log - All maintenance performed on a bearing can be scheduled and recorded in the app, providing an easy to access record of service for each bearing
Asset identification - Each bearing is registered through a part number, which provides a reference when it comes time to replace
Access in remote locations - When bearings are located in difficult to reach locations, out of mobile device range, sensor data can be automatically sent thru Bluetooth Low Energy to the ABB Ability platform using a Gateway
Twenty Smart Sensors can be connected to one Gateway
Data ownership - You own all of your data. Your data cannot be accessed by anyone outside your company unless you have authorized them in the portal
The sensor is protected from unwanted access - 16-bit Personal Identification Number (PIN) authentication PIN is changeable during commissioning as well as during normal sensor usage (Default PIN is 0000) PIN throttling prevents brute-force attacks
All sensor measurements are encrypted - By recommendation of National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) Decryption key is protected by authentication PIN
Type | Bearing Condition Monitoring Device |
Fft Maximum Frequency | 2480 MHz |
Measurements Monitored | Vibration, Temperature |
Power Type | Battery |
°F | manufacturer product page |
Yr | usable range 26 |
Ft | manufacturer upc number 782477550218 |
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