Pinless Moisture Psychrometer with IR Thermometer and Bluetooth METERLiNK™ - Sensor Type: Pinless (Non-Penetrating), Measument Range: Pinless - 0 to 99.9 (Relative)/Pin - 6.0 to 99.9%
Quickly indicates the moisture content of materials with Pinless technology without damaging the surface
Remote Pin-type probe (MO290-P included) allows for contact moisture readings (3ft/0.9m cable length)
Manually store/recall up to 20 labeled readings
Works on multiple wood types and other building materials
Easy to read, large dual display with automatic backlight feature
Simultaneously displays moisture value of wood or material being tested, Air Temperature, IR Temperature, or Humidity
Pinless measurement depth to 0.75" (19mm) below the surface
Programmable high/low Moisture and Humidity alarms
Designed with IR circuit to measure non-contact surface temperature; 8:1 distance to spot ratio with 0.95 fixed emissivity
Built-in Humidity/Temperature probe measures Relative Humidity, Air Temperature plus Grains Per Pound (GPP)/(g/kg), Dew Point (DP), Vapor Pressure, and condensation point
Fast Analog Bargraph, Min/Max and Data Hold, Auto power off and low battery indication
METERLiNK Bluetooth transmitter wirelessly transmits moisture and humidity data to selected FLIR thermal imaging IR cameras to incorporate meter readings with thermal images
Complete with pin moisture probe with cable, 9V battery and case
Meter Type | Pinless Moisture Psychrometer with IR Thermometer |
Measurement Range | Pinless - 0 to 99.9 (Relative), Pin - 6.0 to 99.9% |
Sensor Type | Pinless (Non-Penetrating) |
Includes | Pin Moisture Probe with Cable, 9V Battery and Case |
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