Grip-O-Matic® 2 Way Reversible Long Mechanical Jaw Puller - 5 ton Capacity, 6.00 in Spread, 5.50 in Reach, 2.20 lb
Grip-O-Matic® feature on all pullers. The harder the pull, the tighter the grip for removing gears, bearings and countless other press fitted parts
2-way, 3-way and 2/3 way combination pullers make it easy to select a specific puller for a specific application
Forged from high quality steel, heat treated and subjected to rigorous tests which exceed rated puller capacity
Meets Fed. Spec.: GGG-P-00781-D
Alloy steel heads are forged for maximum strength
Forcing screw threads are rolled, not cut. This process creates a smoother and stronger thread
Heat treated alloy steel cross bolts for maximum shear strength
Heat treated alloy steel cross bolts for maximum shear strength
Machined puller jaw toes produce larger and stronger pulling toes
0 | in reach |
5 | in weight |
6 | in upper jaw thickness |
2 | lbs screw size |
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