Water Type | Cold Water |
Hose Length | 50 ft |
Engine Type | Gas |
Rated Power | 196 cc |
Flow Rate | 3 gal/min |
Manufacturer Product Page | http://www.camspray.com/cam_spray_model_2700hx_gas_cart_series_pressure_washer-p-83.html |
Rated Pressure | 2700 psi |
Additional Details | Triplex plunger pump with ceramic plungers and stainless steel valves-adjustable pressure-thermal relief valve on pump-downstream chemical injection-trigger gun with 2 piece wand-multi-reg 0-60 degree pattern tip with Hi-Low for chemical injection-50' pressure hose-powder coated frame with wand/hose rack-10" tires-3 gallon chemical tank |
Series/System | Gas Cart Models |
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