Dock Shelter - 24 in Projection, 10 x 10 in Door Opening, 126 in Overall Height, 132 in Overall Width
For use with doors up to 10'W x 10'H
Reduces oversized doors to match truck opening
Long wear Vestex V-42 fabric is highly-resistant to abrasion and tearing
Fiberglass staves are sewn into the flaps
Seal is formed along the sides and top of trailer when the vertical and top panels are pushed inward by the trailer
Recommend minimum 10" trailer penetration for a good seal
Supporting structure is made of 2 x 4 Wolmanized® lumber
Shelter is protected by safety yellow steel guide protectors
Top header piece measures 132"W and contains a drop curtain which measures 36"H
Two vertical pieces measure 126"H with vertical flaps measuring 21"W
When installed, the shelter will close door opening down to 90"W x 90"H opening between flaps
Includes: Two yellow steel guide protectors and foam-filled corner pads for extra sealing action Retractable
Fits up to 120"W x 120"H door
Independent spring loaded scissors mechanism allows shelter to retract with the trailer keeping the shelter square
Design eliminates the need for rigid steel guide protectors
Overall size 132"W x 126"H
40 oz reinforced vinyl flaps close the opening down to 90" x 90"
36" header curtain has armor pleats for extended wear
Shelter is black with aluminum edge trim
Projection | 24 in |
Overall Width | 132 in |
Door Openings | 10 x 10 in |
Manufacturer Upc Number | 691215012416 |
Overall Height | 126 in |
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