ASP-24-3-SS Adjustable Step Stands - Stainless Steel, 3 Steps, 22-1/4 in Max Height, 23-13/16 in Wide
Can be used as either a comfortable worker platform or a semi-permanent step
Individual step size is 12" deep
Serrated surface ensures safe footing
Legs adjust individually by screwing them into or out of the leg base
Welded construction
Uniform capacity 500 lbs
Portability dolly kit (#05653068) allows for movement of multiple step units
Dolly features special brackets for use with step stands
Includes two pneumatic wheels for portability
Bolt-on portability kit (#05653069) allows Step-Mate Stands to be tilted and moved
Handle also serves as a single side hand railing for extra stability and balance while standing on top step
Includes handle and two rigid wheels
Steel construction with painted finish
Fits on 24"-, 36"- and 48"-wide units
Number Of Steps | 3 |
1St Step Height Range | 6 to 8-1/4 in |
Maximum Standing Height | 22-1/4 in |
2Nd Step Height Range | 13 to 15-1/4 in |
Material | Stainless Steel |
3Rd Step Height Range | 20 to 22-1/4 in |
Step Width | 23-13/16 in |
Step Depth | 11-7/8 ft |
Weight Capacity | 500 lb |
Manufacturer Product Page | |
Overall Size | 23-13/16 x 33-7/8 in |
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