Solvent Base Paint Additive - Color; Off White, Container Size; 1 gal
For moderate to severe environments
Application directly on sound rusted steel with minimum surface preparation—can also be used on clean steel, galvanized metal, concrete (including concrete floors), previously coated and slightly damp surfaces
Can be used indoors or out
While exposure to sunlight and certain interior lighting conditions causes fading and chalking of all epoxy type coatings, these changes are cosmetic in nature only
For use with Steel-Tech epoxy base (Mi Item #05417043)
Container: One gallon can
Container Size | 1 gal |
Color Family | White |
Base Type | Solvent |
For Use With | 9100 System DTM Epoxy Mastic |
Color | Off White |
Volatile Organic Compound Content | 184 g/L |
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