Enforcer® Insect Kiiler - Indoor & Outdoor, 1 gal, Bottle, Targeted Pest(s): Ants, Cockroaches, Bedbugs, Asian Lady Beetles, Brown Recluse Spiders, Black Widow Spiders
A broad spectrum insecticide designed for crack & crevice treatment - kills on contact and has residual control
Kills roaches, ants, spiders, beetles, bed bugs stink bugs, and more
The long-lasting action keeps on killing German cockroaches for up to 1 year and flies for up to 5 months
Odorless and non-staining
For indoor and outdoor use
Targeted Pest(S) | Ants, Cockroaches, Bedbugs, Asian Lady Beetles, Brown Recluse Spiders, Black Widow Spiders |
Residual Pest Kill Time | 12 Months |
Form | Liqiud |
Scent | Characteristic (Slight) |
Container Size | 1 gal |
Sds | https://sds.zepinc.com/ehswww/zep/result/result_index.jsp?P_LANGU=E&P_SYS=2&P_SSN=2262&C001=MSDS&C002=*&C003=*&C004=&C013=1041486&C014=&C123=SDS* |
Indoor/Outdoor Use | Indoor & Outdoor |
Manufacturer Product Page | http://www.zepdistribution.com/product/enforcer/BugMax-Home-Pest-Control |
Residual Agent In Product | Contains Residual Agents |
Manufacturer Catalog Number | 1041486 |
Color | Opaque |
Application | Used as is with sprayer to create barriers and killing zones with residual pesticide, |
Container Type | Bottle |
Additional Details | Do-It-Yourself complete home pest control in a convenient, ready-to-use liquid spray like the pros use. Odorless and non-staining formula kills roaches, ants, brown recluse spiders, black widow spiders, Asian Lady beetles, bed bugs, stink bugs on contact -- FAST. Long-lasting action keeps on killing German cockroaches for up to 1 year and flies for up to 5 months after you spray. For Indoor & Outdoor use in and around residences and their surroundings. Keeps Killing German Cockroaches For Up To 365 Days Kills: Roaches, Ants, Brown Recluse Spiders, Black Widow Spiders, Asian Lady Beetles, Bed Bugs & Stink Bugs - Kills on Contact - For Indoor And Outdoor Use |
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