Enforcer® Insect Kiiler - Outdoor, 32 oz, Bottle, Targeted Pest(s): Mosquitoes, Whiteflies, Japanese Beetles
A broad spectrum insecticide that kills troublesome outdoor insects which destroy lawns, flowers, trees and shrubs
Kills ants, fleas, crickets, Japanese beetles, mosquitoes, ticks, whiteflies, and many other insects as listed
Use on outside surfaces of the building, lawns, trees, shrubs, other areas where insects congregate
Easy-to-use hose-end sprayer
32 ounces treats up to 5,000 sq. ft.
Targeted Pest(S) | Mosquitoes, Whiteflies, Japanese Beetles |
Industry Standards Met | EPA Reg No. 28293-271-40849 |
Form | Liqiud |
Length | 14 in |
Container Size | 32 oz |
Width | 10.63 in |
Indoor/Outdoor Use | Outdoor |
Sds | https://sds.zepinc.com/ehswww/zep/result/result_index.jsp?P_LANGU=E&P_SYS=2&P_SSN=2262&C001=MSDS&C002=*&C003=*&C004=&C013=1047038&C014=&C123=SDS* |
Residual Agent In Product | Contains Residual Agents |
Manufacturer Product Page | http://www.zepdistribution.com/product/enforcer/Mosquito-and-Flying-Insect-Killer-II |
Color | Off White |
Manufacturer Catalog Number | 1047038 |
Container Type | Bottle |
Application | Thoroughly wet down grass a few hours before applying, Apply in sweeping motion |
Residual Pest Kill Time | Up to 4 weeks |
Additional Details | Enforcer Mosquito and Flyg Insect Killer can be used a variety of outdoor applications such as lawns, trees and shrubs, outside surfaces of buildgs and anywhere there are nuisance pests outdoor areas. Up To 4 Week sect Control - Kills: Mosquitoes, Whiteflies, Japanese Beetles and many other garden pests as listed - 32oz Treats up to 5,000 in, in, sq.ft. |
Scent | Mild |
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