Pipe Fitting - Iron Material, 3/4 in Pipe Size
The use of a clip or wire-type retainer is necessary to ensure universal couplings will not become accidentally disconnected—This guarantees the fittings are properly connected because the safety pin will not go through the holes in mating flanges until couplings are locked in place
Only one safety clip or wire-type retainer is required for each Air King universal coupling
To provide protection against coupling breakage and related hazards, Dixon recommends the use of a whip hose
Rated to 150 PSI at ambient temperature (70°F)
Standard fittings come with AWR4 rubber washers
Meet pressure requirements as specified in A-A-59553 commercial item description superseding Mil Spec.WWC-633D
For air and water service only
Warning: Never use any Air King coupling for steam service
Pipe Size | 3/4 in |
Material | Iron |
Fitting Type | Coupling |
Thread Type | NPT |
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