3049905 V-Belt Pulley - 5V Belt Section, 3 Groove, 4.5500 in Pitch Dia., 4.6500 in O.D., QD Bushed, SDS Series Bushing, Cast Iron Material
Close Grain Cast iron - Close grain cast iron allows Browning to machine our sheaves to the closest tolerances possible
Number Of Grooves | 3 |
Bushing Bore Range | 0.5000 to 2.0000 in |
Outside Diameter | 4.65 in |
Pitch Diameter | 4.55 in |
Length Through Bore | 1.3125 in |
Overall Width | 2.375 in |
Face Width | 2.375 in |
Pulley Construction | Solid |
Belt Section Size | 5V |
Manufacturer Catalog Number | 3049905 |
Bore Type | QD Bushed |
Cad Drawing | https://www.3dcontentcentral.com/PremiumSSS-Download-Model.aspx?catalogId=12261&id=18749 |
Bushing Series | SDS |
Manufacturer Upc Number | 662289468744 |
Material | Cast Iron |
Weight | 6.12 lbs |
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