Heat Star F172425 Portable Heater - 400000 Btu, Propane, Forced Air, 9000 ft² Heating Area
CSA certified
Heats approximately 2,000 sq-ft
Runs up to 8 hours on 20 lb tank (low setting)
High temperature limit switch
Continuous ignition
Regulator included
170,000 and larger BTU heaters have solid state ignition
Use on construction sites, utility/farm buildings, factories, in barns and at sporting events
Btu | 400000 Btu |
Voltage | 115 V |
Heat Transfer Type | Forced Air |
Frequency | 60 Hz |
Heating Power Source | Propane |
Current Rating | 4 A |
Heating Area | 9000 ft² |
Weight | 47 lbs |
Fuel Tank Capacity | 100 lb |
Additional Details | CSA certified. Heats approximately 9,000 sq ft. Runs up to 17 hours on 2-100lb tanks (low setting). High temperature limit switch. Automatic solid state ignition. Thermostat. 20' hose and regulator included. |
Fuel Rate | 11.5 to 18.5 lb/hr |
Manufacturer Product Page | http://www.enerco.com/Product.aspx?id=409 |
Air Flow Rate | 1400 cfm |
Application | Agricultural Buildings, Construction Sites, Factories, Sports Events, Emergency Use |
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