Cooling Vest , Small/Medium , Khaki
Garment Type | Cooling Vest |
Product Line | 6225 |
Material | Cotton |
Manufacturer Product Page | http://www.ergodyne.com/products/pages/default.aspx?PRD=792&PCA=15 |
Vest Color | Khaki |
Additional Details | Premium Phase Change Vest: Constant 58?F - keeps workers cooler, safer, and more productive while providing FR protection. - Maintains constant 58ºF / 14ºC - Cooling lifecycle lasts up to 4 hours - Comfortable cotton construction with hook & loop closure - Extended vest surface area to enhance cooling power - Modacrylic cotton blend FR fabric - Fabric meets ASTM F1506 performance requirements (ATPV rating of 7.1 cal/cm2); classified HRC1 per NFPA 70E. - Non-toxic, non-carcinogenic, dialectic substance - Elastic pen loop - 6200HV designed with reflective accents for visibility - PACKS ARE EASY TO INSTALL Switching out packs is easy. Just place them in the mesh pockets on the vest interiors and attach using the hook and loop. |
Size | Small/Medium |
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