MLK Series Air Chain Hoist - 2200 lbs Capacity, 10 ft Lift Ht, 28 ft/min Maximum Lift Speed
Ideal for harsh environments found in steel mills, foundries and electroplating operations, also ideal for high-duty cycle applications
Pull chain or pilot pendent controls provide precise spotting capabilities
Self adjusting, air operated disc brake is spring applied and air released
Wear tested to over 1 million cycles before replacement
All rotating parts are supported by either ball or roller type bearings
Unique planetary gearing system assures long life
Swivel top hook suspension
Pendant control
Lift: 10'
Thoughtful design includes parts interchangeability, inlet swivels, exhaust air chain lubrication, control adjustment screws and easy conversion from pull chain to pendent control
Meets ASME/ANSI B30.16 standards
Rated as HMI duty classification A5, severe-duty (this equates to FEM 9.511 duty classification 2m)
Weight Capacity | 2200 lbs |
Lift Height | 10 ft |
Maximum Lift Speed | 28 ft/min |
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