Eye End Sling - 2 in Width, 10 ft Length, Polyester Material
Daily use under good to rugged lifting conditions
Superior edge cut resistance
Red core yarn warning system aids in the inspection process
Proven sling web construction
Special polymer coated edge yarns improve edge cutting and abrasion to extend sling life
Silver colored web treatment fights abrasion for additional sling life
Tuff-Tag provides required OSHA information for the life of the sling, not just the life of the tag
Silver body, blue edges, blue center stripe provide easy identification
Sling capacity decreases as the angle from horizontal decreases
Slings should not be used at angles of less than 30°
Warning Do not exceed rated capacities
Web Width | 2 in |
Sling Vertical Weight Capacity | 3200 lb |
Overall Length | 10 ft |
Sling Choker Weight Capacity | 2500 lb |
Overall Thickness | 3/16 in |
Sling Vertical Basket Weight Capacity | 6400 lb |
Sling Type | Eye End |
Edge Stripe Color | Blue |
Material | Polyester |
Sling Color | Silver |
Striping | 1 Center Stripe, 2 Edge Stripes |
Eye Length | 10 in |
Center Stripe Color | Blue |
Web Weight Capacity | 1600 lb per 2" Width |
Number Of Web Plies | 1 |
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