Wire Rope Sling - Eye and Eye, 6 x 19 Rope Class, Independent Wire Rope Core (IWRC)
Wire construction 6 x 19 IWRC
Tuff-Tag for capacity, serial numbered identification for traceability
Use of EIP, IWRC rope gives 15% greater capacity than IP, IWRC ropes
Countless combinations of sling termination—hooks, chokers and thimbles are available to fit specific lift requirements
Wire core wire rope (IWRC) must not be used at temperatures above 400°F
Remove slings from service when end attachments, including hooks, are cracked, deformed or obviously worn, when hook throat opening is increased more than 15% or when hook is twisted out of plane by more than 10%
Do not exceed rated capacities
Sling capacity decreases as the angle from horizontal decreases
Slings should not be used at angles of less than 30°
Sling Type | Eye and Eye |
Sling Choker Weight Capacity | 1.9 ton |
Rope Class | 6 x 19 |
Sling Vertical Basket Weight Capacity | 5.1 ton |
Core | Independent Wire Rope Core (IWRC) |
Overall Length | 4 ft |
Material | Steel |
Eye Size | 2-3/4 x 1-1/2 , 8 x 4 (Standard) , 4-3/8 x 2-3/8 , 6 x 2-1/4 in |
Nominal Diameter | 1/2 in |
Hook Opening Size | 1/2 (Slidg Choker) in |
Breaking Strength | 13.3 ton |
Hook Weight Capacity | 3 ton |
Hardware Type | Eye & Eye |
Standards Met | OSHA |
Sling Vertical Weight Capacity | 2.5 ton |
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