Tempil® Tempilstik® Fast, Accurate Surface Temperature Indicator - Melting Temperature: +300 °F, Package Quantity: 1
116 temperatures available from 100°F(38°C) to 2000°F(1093°C)
Stick instantly melts at designated temperature for easy and immediate visual inspection.
Calibration-free with 100% reliability
Accurate to within +/- 1% of Fahrenheit and +/- 3% Celsius rated
Comply with preheat temperature requirements of AWS D1.1, ASME Code Sec. I, III and VIII, ANSI/ASME Code B31.1 and B31.3.
Imprinted part number, temperature and lot code across entire stick for improved traceability
Made in U.S.A.
Melting Temperature | 300 °F |
Standards Met | AWS D1.1, ASME Code Sec. I, III and VIII, ANSI/ASME Code B31.1 and B31.3. |
Includes Pocket Clip | Pocket Clip Included |
Package Quantity | 1 |
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