Containment Tray - 40 x 40 x 5 in, Material: LDPE
Fluorinated to resist aggressive chemicals that degrade normal polyethylene, like chloroform, carbon tetrachloride, trichloroethane, bromine and methylene chloride
Same durable, thick-wall construction as standard PIG Utility Trays
Ribs on bottom of tray add strength and elevate parts to keep them away from trapped liquids
Ideal for temporary storage of containers and parts that may leak or drip liquids onto the floor
Stackable trays store easily when not in use
Ideal for use in the dry cleaning, pharmaceutical and electronics industries, as well as in manufacturing of various pesticides and fire retardants
Type | Containment Tray |
Dimensions | 40 x 40 x 5 in |
Container Material | LDPE |
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