Spill Tray - 29.5 x 29.5 x 2 in, Material: Polyethylene, Absorbent Capacity: 6.18 gal
Light-colored, flat-bottom design makes it easy to see screws, springs and other small parts
All-poly construction resists most chemicals; will not rust or corrode
Rotationally molded spill tray is ideal for applications that would compromise injected or thermoformed trays
Square modular design allows efficient use of space on bench or shelves for process parts
Made from FDA-compliant resins for containment of food and cosmetic products
Type | Tray |
Container Material | Polyethylene |
Absorbent Capacity Per Package | 6.18 gal |
Dimensions | 29.5 x 29.5 x 2 in |
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