MSA 10092521

MSA 10092521


MSA 10092521

10092521 PART NUMBER

Portable Single-Gas Detector - Hydrogen Sulfide

MSA - MSA 10092521

Stainless steel maintenance-free hydrogen sulfide (H2S) detector with suspension clip

Factory calibrated detector with warranted two-year service life (1,080 alarm minutes)

Maintenance-free, no sensor or battery changes necessary

Easy bump check and built-in calibration feature

Bump check confirmed with checkmark on instrument LCD, displayed for 24 hours

High-capacity battery

Event recorder stores 25 latest events automatically in instrument memory

Built-in IR communications enables interface MSA Link™ Software

Built-in gas delivery adapter for gas response tests (no cal cap to lose)

Rated to IP67 for dust and water ingress

Reads 0–100 ppm

First alarm at 10 ppm, second alarm at 15 ppm


Type Single-Gas Detector
Overall Height 3.4 in
Gas Monitored Hydrogen Sulfide
Overall Width 2 in
Measurement Range Hydrogen Sulfide - 0 to 100 ppm
Overall Depth 1 in
Alarm Type Audible, Visual, Vibration
Operating Temperature Range -20 to 50 °C
Display Type LCD
Standards Met Division 1, Groups ABCD, ATEX II 2G EE, Class 1
Alarm Decibel Rating 95 dB
Alarm Level Hydrogen Cyanide - 10 , Hydrogen Cyanide - 15 ppm



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