Ratchet - Pear Head Shape, Fixed Head, Standard Release Type, 3/8 in Drive Size, 10-1/4 in Overall Length
Enclosed head is sealed to prevent dust, dirt, and liquids from entering head, preserving internal lubrication
Forged one-piece ratchet provide strength and safety for industrial applications
Smooth comfort-grip handle permits all-day use without gloves
36 tooth gear with 10° of engagement allows engagement in tight working areas
Nickel/chrome plating provides increase protection from rust and corrosion
Chrome finish features mirror-like exterior that can be easily cleaned after each use
Single pawl ratchet designed for tighter tolerances between pawl and gear which reduces metal fatigue and slippage under load
Does not require as many working parts, reducing possible breakage and parts to repair
Easy access reverse lever allows user to change working direction quickly and easily with only one hand
Repair kit available (#B-52EHRA)
Drive Size | 3/8 in |
Release Type | Standard |
Overall Length | 10-1/4 in |
Reversing Style | Standard Reverse |
Head Shape | Pear |
Grip Style | Comfort Grip |
Flexible Head | Fixed Head |
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