NF80/4H-13+E2/0609 ATB

NF80/4H-13+E2/0609 ATB


NF80/4H-13+E2/0609 ATB

NF80/4H-13+E2/0609 ATB PART NUMBER

NF80/4H-13+E2/0609 ATB MFR

80-4P 0,75kW 230/400V V1 AL


Brand ATB
Item Number NF80/4H-13+E2/0609 ATB
Category 3-Phase Motors
Manufacturer Part Number (Mpn) NF80/4H-13+E2/0609
Weight (Kg) 11
Rated Power (Kw) 0.75
Mounting V1 (outer flange)
Speed At 50Hz (Rpm) 1500 / 4-Poles
Frequency 50Hz
Ip Class IP55
Brake No Brake
Explosion Safety (Atex) No protection
Iec Framesize 80
Energie Efficiency IE2 = High = EFF1
Voltage 220-230VD / 380-400VY
Housing Material Alu
Shaft Diameter (Mm) 19
Shaft Length (Mm) 40
Wedge Width (Mm) 6
Wedge Length (Mm) 32
Thread Shaft Bore M6
Shaft Height, B3 Mounted (Mm) 80
Width Foot Holes, B3 Mounted (Mm) 125
Length Foot Holes, B3 Mounted (Mm) 100
Diameter Foot Holes (Mm) 9,5
Outer Diameter Flange B5/V1/B35/V3 (Mm) 200
Diameter Edge B5/V1/B35/V3 (Mm) 130
Pitch Flange Holes B5/V1/B35/V3 (Mm) 165
Number Of Flange Holes 4
Diameter Flange Holes B5/V1/B35/V3 (Mm) 12
Outer Diam. Flange B14/B34/V18/V19 (Mm) 120
Diam. Edge B14/B34/V18/V19 (Mm) 80
Pitch Holes Flange B14/B34/V18/V19 (Mm) 100
Thread Flange Holes B14/B34/V18/V19 M6



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