3M 67125

3M 67125


3M 67125


7100123158 MFR

PELTOR™ X3B Earmuffs - Behind the Head, 28 dB Noise Reduction Rating, Black Cup Color

3M - 3M 67125

Design of neckband allows earmuffs to be worn with a variety of face shields and headgear

Compatible with headgear without accessory slots

Soft, adjustable head strap helps to maintain a secure fit with many different types of headgear

Fit can be confirmed: Verify with 3M™ E-A-Rfit™ Dual-Ear Validation System***

X3 products have medium attenuation: Perfect for the mid-level noise environments

X Series earmuffs are 3M’s latest advancement in hearing conservation. New technologies in comfort, design and protection all come together in this groundbreaking earmuff line.

The backbanded earmuff features an electrically insulated (dielectric) wire backband for added safety.


Band Position Behind the Head
Cup Material ABS
Noise Reduction Rating (Nrr) 28 dB
Manufacturer Stock Number UU008197822
Product Line PELTOR?
Manufacturer Upc Number 00078371671259
Cup Color Black



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