330132 Silent Chain Conn Link Set - 0.5000 in Pitch, For Use with: SC-404 Chain, Material: Steel
99% Efficient Drives
Simple Installation
Long Life
Space Saver
Reduced Bearing Loads
Smooth Drive
Quiet Drive
Cool Drive
Not Affected by Atmospheric Conditions
Adaptable to Your Centers
High Speeds
Minimum of Maintenance
Adaptable to Speed Changes
Positive Drive—No Slip
Wide Speed and H.P. Range
For Use With | SC-404 Chain |
Lacing | 8 x 9 |
Link Type | Connecting Link |
Chain Overall Width | 1 in |
Pitch | 0.5 in |
Width Over Drilled Pins | 1.281 in |
Material | Steel |
Width Over Riveted Pins | 1.147 in |
Average Ultimate Tensile Strength | 7500 lbs |
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