343859 Silent Chain - HV Inverted Tooth, Dual Side Guide Style, 1.0000 in Pitch, 3.0000 Overall Width, Steel Material
Available in 10ft sections or cut to Length
Old style; provides smooth, quiet, cost-efficient operation
Designed with a pin and rocker joint, to reduce friction and provide pitch elongation for smooth sprocket engagement
Ideal for applications where heavy loads (50 to 6000 horsepower) are to be transmitted at moderate to high speeds, up to 10,000 feet per minute. It also is ideal where compact design is important
Price per foot
Chain Type | HV Inverted Tooth |
Average Ultimate Tensile Strength | 60000 lb |
Pitch | 1 in |
Width Over Drilled Pins | 3.545 in |
Chain Construction | Dual Side Guide |
Width Over Riveted Pins | 3.785 in |
Material | Steel |
Width Between Guides | 2.892 in |
Chain Overall Width | 3.0000 |
Inside Width | 2.892 in |
Manufacturer Catalog Number | 343859 |
Overall Length | 10 ft |
Manufacturer Upc Number | 662288867807 |
Lacing | 12 x 13 |
Weight | 6.85 lbs/ft |
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