Corrosion or Rust Inhibitor - 12 oz, Aerosol Can
A high-solids, waxy-film, corrosion preventive compound suitable for a wide range of applications
Provides long term protection of all metal surfaces, including vehicle underbody and enclosed, boxed, seam, joint and other crevice locations susceptible to corrosion
Pliable, firm coating has a polar attraction to metal surfaces and does not crack, age or harden
Dried coating is not flammable and protects electrical connections and wiring
Not harmful to materials that are part of vehicle construction or paints, and prevents galvanic corrosion
Lubricant for joints, guarding against fretting corrosion
Heavy-duty water displacing film allows greater protection for machinery or parts stored outdoors, especially in salt water or a high humidity atmosphere
Heavy-duty water displacing film allows greater protection for machinery or parts stored outdoors, especially in salt water or a high humidity atmosphere
Easily removed with petroleum solvents, kerosene or perchloroethylene
Uses: Automotive parts, threads, assemblies, hinges, aircraft parts, gears, fabricated parts, molds, electrical equipment, armatures, generators, ignitions, marine engines, dies, engines and parts, castings, machine tools, locks, tools and weapons
Priced per each
12 | oz certification |
300 | °F color |
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