Power Breezer® Oasys™ Titan Oscillating Misting Air Circulator - Electric, Variable Speed, 1 hp, 110 V, 1,500 ft² Cooling Area, 7,000 cfm Air Delivery Rate, 19 gal Water Tank Capacity
Small Footprint and far reach means it cools without getting in the way
Minimal maintenance with no filters to clean or replace means cleaner air and lower operation cost
No nozzles means no clogging and no hose connections means no slipping, no tripping.
Power Breezer® Oasys™ Titan misting air circulator is portable and designed to quietly and efficiently cool areas up to 1,500 sq. ft. using innovative atomizing technology without getting users or equipment wet.
Model is ideal for cooling aircraft hangars, maintenance facilities, and tactical operations centers.
Cooling Area | 1500 ft² |
Horsepower | 1 hp |
Air Delivery Rate | 7000 cfm |
Voltage | 110 V |
Number Of Speeds | Variable |
Height | 64 in |
Power Source Type | Electric |
Width | 27 in |
Water Tank Capacity | 19 gal |
Depth | 480 in |
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