NEXEN 808200

NEXEN 808200


NEXEN 808200


SE-500 Flange Mounted Brake - Spring/Air, 1.125 in Bore Size, 1800 rpm Max, 1/8 NPT Port Size, Black Oxide Finish

NEXEN - NEXEN 808200

Spring engaged brakes provide protection to equipment when fast, dependable stops are required for non-cyclic applications

Restrictor valve controls exhaust air during engagement, ensuring a smooth stop

3 moving parts insure durability and dependability

Mounting flexibility, NEMA C-Flange mount or Shaft mount capability

Not designed for vertical mounting

No dynamic thrust load on bearings when unit is engaged

No thrust load, or virtually no radial load, when unit is disengaged and motor is running

No thrust load, or virtually no radial load, when unit is disengaged and motor is running


356 hp/hr frame size
38 in² bore size
1 in maximum brake continuous thermal dissipation
0 hp maximum rpm
1800 rpm brake peak thermal input rate
34 hp port size
80 psi finish
30 psi brake series
78 in³ minimum static brake torque
575 in-lbs brake air chamber volume when worn out
16 in³ function
12960.00 lb/in² manufacturer product page



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