NEXEN 966033

NEXEN 966033


NEXEN 966033


Rod Locks - For Use With Pneumatic Clutches and Brakes, Pneumatic Cylinder Mount, Enclosed Design, Brushed Aluminum Finish, 0.5 to 60 ° C Continuous, Up To 100 ° C Intermittent Temperature Range, 124.5 mm Input Shaft

NEXEN - NEXEN 966033

Spring Engaged, Very Low Backlash, IP67 Rated, No Rod Displacement On Engagement, Compact

Includes Sleeve Nut Cylinder Mounting Bolts, Longer Cylinder Rod Required

Multiple Springs For More Reliable Holding Performance

Contactless Locking Mode Sensing Optional


Parts Category Controls, Sensors, & Panels
Maximum Pressure 8 bar
For Use With Series Pneumatic Clutches and Brakes
Port Size 1/4 BSPT
Mounting Style Pneumatic Cylinder Mount
Additional Details Rod Requirements - HRC60 Or Hard Chrome Plated Minimum Of 20 Microns, h8 Tolerance, Roughness 1.6 Microns Actuator Cycle Life - More Than 1,000,000 Static Holding Cycles Restrictions - Not For Use In Cyclic Dynamic Stopping Applications, Rod Rotation Not Allowed When Locked, Consult Nexen For Use In Wash-Down Or Humid Applications. Can Be Used For Infrequent Dynamic E-Stops. Multiple Cylinder Mount Rod Locks Can Be Stacked On This Unit For Higher Holding Forces.
Series RLSSB 100-025-C-N
Manufacturer Product Page
Open Or Enclosed Design Enclosed
Cylinder Size 100 mm
Finish Brushed Aluminum
Holding Force 5500 N
Temperature Range 0.5 to 60 ° C Continuous, Up To 100 ° C Intermittent
Rod Size 25 mm
Ratings ISO 6431, IP67, CE, And RoHS''
Air Chamber Volume 112.74 cm³
Overall Length 124.5 mm
Minimum Release Pressure 4 bar
Overall Width 110 mm
Backlash Less Than 0.20 mm
Approximate Engagement Response Time 100 ms
Manufacturer Upc Number 662284327671



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