NEXEN 835033

NEXEN 835033


NEXEN 835033


DBSE Caliper Brake - Spring/Air, Ultra Low Coefficient, Foot Mounted

NEXEN - NEXEN 835033

Torque capacity up to 1200 in-lbs. with a 16" Disc

Brake torque may be doubled or tripled by adding brake calipers

Arc contoured shoe provides large friction area for greater facing life and stability

Mounts in any position with a “T” Bracket

Disc speeds up to 4500 rpm

Disc Hubs use QD Bushing “SK” for shaft sizes from 0.500 to 2.125 inches (Standard Keyway)

Spring return eliminates disc drag when disengaged

Disc & Hub are ordered separately

QD bushing is customer furnished


Brake Series DBSE Caliper
Static Torque Factor (Out Of Box) 30 @ 0 lb-ft, psi
Engagement/Release Spring/Air
Brake Response Factor 0.022
Maximum Static Brake Torque 342 in-lbs with a 16.000" Disc
Maximum Pressure 80 psi
Brake Facing Type Ultra Low Coefficient
Minimum Release Pressure 40 psi
Mounting Configuration Foot Mounted
Brake Air Chamber Volume When New 0.272 in³
Port Size 1/8 NPT
Brake Air Chamber Volume When Worn Out 0.586 in³
Finish Black Oxide
Ratings CE, and RoHS
Open Or Enclosed Design Open
Facing Kit 835693
Function Stopping, Holding, Tensioning
Recommended Control 940011 (3-Way N.O.), 940012 (3-Way N.C.), 940017 (3-Way N.C. 0-100 , 940021 (3-Way 5-100 PSI)
Brake Facing Edge Color Code Blue
Additional Details Consult Motion Industries for use in cyclic applications.
Approximate Brake Facing Life 4103 hp/hr
Manufacturer Product Page
Brake Facing Effective Area 12.6 in²
Brake Peak Thermal Input Rate 31 hp
Disc Thickness 0.25 in
Manufacturer Replacement Parts List
Disc Working Radius (In.) WR=D/2-0.750 For 10.000 in. or Larger Discs



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