PowerLift® Permanent Rare Earth Magnetic Lift - Hook, 1600 lb Max Pull
Compact and powerful rare earth permanent lift magnet for use on flat or round surfaces
Internal release device does not damage the surface of the part being lifted
Permanent magnetic lifts eliminate the fear of dropping the load due to power failure
Use two or more lifts on a spreader bar to prevent sheet flexing, sagging or peel-off
Easy release, no moving parts contact the load
Handle locks in both “On” or “Off” position
Heat-resistant up to 180°F (82°C)
Type | Permanent Rare Earth Magnetic Lift |
Overall Width | 4-7/8 in |
Mount Type | Hook |
Overall Height | 8-7/8 in |
Maximum Pull Force | 1600 lb |
Magnet Width | 4-7/8 in |
Handle | Handle Included |
Magnet Height | 4-3/4 in |
Working Load Capacity (Round) | 800 lb |
Overall Length | 10-3/4 in |
Working Load Capacity (Flat) | 1600 lb |
Weight | 51 lbs |
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