Roller Chain - Std. Series, 120 / 1-1/2 in Pitch, Riveted, 1 Strand, Carbon Steel Material, 10 ft Length
Solid rollers for smooth rotation on the bushing, minimizing the impact load as the chain engages the sprocket tooth
Chains are pre-loaded during assembly which seats the chain components, minimizing initial elongation of the chain
Chain rollers and link plates shot-peened for greater fatigue strength
After final assembly, the roller chains are hot-dipped in a special lubricant, assuring that all the load-bearing surfaces are protected from metal-to-metal contact, improving the wear life of the chain
Priced per foot
Overall Length 10 ft
Chain Number & Pitch | 120 / 1-1/2 in |
Pin Diameter | 0.437 in |
Number Of Strands Across | 1 |
Pin Length | 1.955 in |
Chain Construction | Riveted |
Chain Overall Width | 1.955 in |
Material | Carbon Steel |
Operating Temperature Range | 0 to 350 °F |
Overall Length | 10 ft |
Roller Diameter | 0.875 in |
Number Of Links | 80 |
Standards Met | B29.1 |
Material Specification | Heat Treated |
Series | Std. |
Finish / Coating | Hot Dip Lubricated |
Tensile Strength | 34000 lbs |
Inside Width | 1 in |
Resistance & Application Features | General applications |
Link Plate Height | 1.425 in |
Manufacturer Catalog Number | 51314 |
Link Plate Thickness | 0.187 in |
Weight | 4.135 lbs |
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