Oyster™ pH/mV/Temperature Meter - Measures pH/mV/Temperature, Accuracy of 0 to 14 pH/-999 to 999mV/32 to 212 °F
Exclusive Oyster™ Design can be used in the lab or in the field
Large LCD built into adjustable "flip-up" cover displays pH or mV and Temperature simultaneously
Splash proof housing and front panel tactile touch pad to slope and calibrate
Rugged design for handheld or benchtop use; neckstrap for "hands-free" operation
Measures pH (0.00 to 14.00pH), mV (-999mV to 999mV) and Temperature (32.0°F to 212.0°F /0.0°C to 100.0°C)
Accurate to 0.02pH, 2mV, 0.8°F/0.5°C and resolution of 0.01pH, 1mV and 0.1°
Memory function stores and recalls 25 labeled readings
Min/Max storage and recall, °C/°F switchable
Audible beeper to alert user when function is completed
Automatic or Manual temperature compensation
Meter Type | pH/mV/Temperature Meter |
Includes | 9 V Battery, Neckstrap, Meter |
Measurements Taken | Temperature, pH, mV |
Additional Details | Self Diagnostics Display Codes Help User Troubleshoot Electrode |
Measurement Ranges | 0 to 14 pH, 32 to 212 °F , -999 to 999mV |
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