Powder Concentrate - Riptide Rush Flavor, 21 oz Package Size, Makes 2-1/2 gal
Speeds fluid absorption, the carbohydrates and electrolytes stimulate rapid fluid absorption, quickly replacing the fluids and electrolytes lost in sweat
The blend of carbohydrates in Gatorade has been scientifically proven to help maintain blood glucose levels, providing energy to working muscles during activity
Helps to put back lost electrolytes and stimulates thirst so you will drink enough to stay hydrated
Helps prevent dehydration and delivers the energy needed to keep working safely
6% carbohydrate solution is carbonation- and caffeine-free
Instant powder mixes quickly and easily with water
Priced each, sold by case of 32
Form | Powder |
Yield | 2-1/2 gal |
Flavor | Riptide Rush |
Package Size | 21 oz |
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