HYDAC OLF-5/15-S-370-K-N5DM002-BM/12

HYDAC OLF-5/15-S-370-K-N5DM002-BM/12


HYDAC OLF-5/15-S-370-K-N5DM002-BM/12

OLF-5/15-S-370-K-N5DM002-BM/12 PART NUMBER

2072083 MFR

02072083 Portable Offline Filtration System - 2 micron Filter Rating, 4.9 gpm Max Flow Rate, 3000 sus Max Viscosity

HYDAC - HYDAC OLF-5/15-S-370-K-N5DM002-BM/12

Modular base eliminates hoses between components and minimizes leakage

Base-ported filter provides easy element service from the top cap

Cleans up oil faster–7 gpm and 14 gpm models available

10’ hose and extension tubes included

Viton® available (1” dia for 7 gpm; 1.25” dia for 14 gpm)

Drip pan catches oil before it falls to the ground

Integral suction strainer protects pump

Off-line stationary system available

27” housing standard

One 27" element

Betamicron® absolute filter rating of 20

14 GPM flow rate


Filter Rating 2 micron
Seal Material Nitrile
Maximum Flow Rate 4.9 gpm
Element Material Fiberglass
Maximum Viscosity 3000 sus
Fluid Compatibility Mineral Oil, Oil, Water
Number Of Stages 1
Overall Height 605 mm



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